
Welcome to Looney Lisa's Lines! A blog about well.. .whatever I find interesting about LIFE! It's a great big world out there and sometimes we just need to see what is going on with other people in that great big world. So come along and see where the adventure's of LIFE take me! Can't wait to see it either!

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Here I go again! Trying my hand at this blogging thing. I've tried before and just couldn't get in the groove of it. So I deleted that blog this week and set up a new one and I'm ready to go for it again. I'm not really sure what all I will be blogging about. Just life in general I guess. Not even sure if I will have any readers or followers but if you stop by please leave me a short message or comment so I will know I'm not alone in this blogging world. 

I'm not positive why I chose the title for this blog as "LooneyLisasLines". It's not like I'm looney. .well my family might debate that! LOL! but I like the idea of three L's and how it looks. Maybe it's because I will be writing about looney things? So pull up a chair and glass of tea or your beverage of choice and enjoy this ride called LIFE with me!

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