
Welcome to Looney Lisa's Lines! A blog about well.. .whatever I find interesting about LIFE! It's a great big world out there and sometimes we just need to see what is going on with other people in that great big world. So come along and see where the adventure's of LIFE take me! Can't wait to see it either!

Monday, April 29, 2013

 I sometimes struggle with what to write about and that is another reason my blog doesn't get updated. Several years ago I found a blog called "The Simple Womans Daybook" (http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/). It a wonderful blog! You use the same writing prompts all the time and I've found it's a good way to start the juicing flowing on days I'm blank! It's also wonderful to see what other people are writing about and sharing part of their day. So here goes for today!

For today. .April 29, 2013

Outside my windows. . .the weather is annoying! It's cold one day. . 50 degree's and the next it is 75 and stunning! Spring in Indiana! So unpredictable! My closet is a mess from watching the the thermometer be a yo-yo! 

I am thinking.  . .that I'm ready for the work day to be done! It's Monday and I just want to be home.

I am thankful. . .for the work day that I am complaining about! LOL! I'm thankful to have a job and a good one at that and one that I enjoy!

In the Kitchen. . I am hoping to try a new recipe for Dorito Chicken tonight that I discovered on Pinterest. Hopefully that will be a new blog entry as well.

I am wearing. . capris and sandals despite the weather! and a bright pink short sleeve sweater to try to cheer myself. A Christopher and Banks sweater that I scored at Goodwill last year!

I am creating. . .not much at the moment. Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week so I need to get busy on gifts for the staff. Idea's are in my head. .thanks again to Pinterest. .but nothing has been done.

I am going. . .to hopefully start those Teacher Gifts this week!

I am wondering. .  .why it's my responsibility to organize Teacher Appreciation Week at work! They are wonderful ladies but  not my teachers! But seems to fall to me every year!

I am reading. . nothing at the moment. I just finished "Bared to You" on Friday and haven't started Book #2 yet.

I am hoping. . that the weather break soon!

I am looking forward to. . Friday! Miranda moves back from Butler on Friday and I'll not be the only female in the house for the summer!

I'm learning. . .to keep my mouth shut.

Around the house. . .things are pretty tiddy. .except for the upstairs. Lots of major home improvements on the horizon though!

I am pondering. .about Teacher AppreciationWeek!

A favorite Quote for today. . Once you learn to be happy, you won't tolerate being around people that make you feel anything less!

One of my favorite things. .thinking back about this pink sweater I have on and getting it at Goodwill! Nothing like a good fine at a thrift store!

A few plans for the rest of the week. . .work, working out, pinning, blogging and swinging into May!


Friday, April 26, 2013


Hey Everyone! It sure has been awhile but I'm still here! I have about another month of work until I m off for the summer and I can blog until my hearts content and work on trying out more Pinterest things and give you updates! I've done several since my last posting and will get them posted very soon! I keep forgetting to take pictures as I do things so that isn't much help to you.

Spring is finally coming to Indiana. .I think! One day it's 40 degrees and the next it is 70. . but the grass is green, flowers are blooming and everyone is dealing with allergies. Personally I'm dealing with a busted ear drum! Not fun at all and it has slowed me down.

I promise more postings are on the way!!!